donating my library of Czech books + source materials
After 30 years research, it's time to downsize. Free to a good home.
I am reposting this appeal (first posted on my personal website coastsof bohemia) on Substack in the hopes it might reach a wider audience. I know that libraries are under serious financial and space constraints these days, but this is a unique specialized research resource.
Over the last 25 years I have accumulated a large library of books in Czech, French, and English relating to modern Czech culture and history and the city of Prague.
These include:
works of literature (novels, plays, poems)
anthologies of primary documents in art, architecture, film, etc.
biographies, memoirs and correspondence
dozens of art exhibition catalogues of various dates, covering many of the most significant 20th– and 21st–century exhibitions in Czechoslovakia/Czech Republic and of Czech modern art abroad
typescript listings from the National Gallery, Prague, of all NG exhibitions held in Czechoslovakia and abroad from 1945–1990 and exhibitions organized by major Czech art societies (Umělecká beseda, SVU Mánes, Jednota umělců výtvarných, SČUG Hollar) from 1863–1950
encyclopedias and other works of reference
guidebooks, maps, and street directories of various dates
bound volumes of magazines like Svět v obrázech, Analogon and Kvart
albums of historic photographs
secondary works on Czech history, politics, art, architecture, music, theater, film, and the city of Prague
For 36 photographs of my bookshelves that give an indication of the range of the collection, though not every individual item is included, see my earlier post “I wish to donate my extensive library …” There are around 1050 individual items in all.
I would like to donate (rather than sell) this collection in its entirety to a suitable institutional library where it can help other researchers.
If you can be of help or have an interest in acquiring this collection please contact me directly at